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Joystick Card

This feature is available in DASH Pro only.



This card adds a joystick to your dashboard to control some stuff and provides you with easy to interpret directional data via callback. You can even lock direction of the joystick to X or Y axis.




Joystick Card
Valid Arguments: (ESPDash dashboard, Card Type, const char* name, const char* directionLock (optional) )
Card joystick(&dashboard, JOYSTICK_CARD, "Joystick 1");

Direction Lock:

You can lock joystick to X or Y Axis:

Supply it with lockX as 4th argument and it will lock to X axis.

Card joystick(&dashboard, JOYSTICK_CARD, "Joystick 1", "lockX");

Supply it with lockY as 4th argument and it will lock to Y axis.

Card joystick(&dashboard, JOYSTICK_CARD, "Joystick 1", "lockY");

By default, joystick works on both axis.


Joystick Card requires a callback function which will be called when we receive a input from our dashboard. In setup block, we will be calling our attachCallback function and provide a lambda (callback) function with a const char* (character array) argument.

Joystick card has 2 callbacks, directional and coordinates:

Directional Callback:

This callback will return the active direction of your joystick when it's moved. It will be one of the following:

  • up
  • down
  • left
  • right
  • idle
We provide our attachCallback with a lambda function to handle incomming data
`value` is the direction of joystick 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right' or 'idle'
joystick.attachCallback([&](const char* direction){
Serial.println("[Joystick] Current Direction: "+String(direction));
Coordinates Callback:

This callback will return the active coordinates of the thumb of your joystick when it's moved. It will provide x and y coordinates which ranges from -60 to 60 on each axis.

In case of X axis: -60 is left, 60 is right. For Y axis: -60 is up, and 60 is bottom.

We provide our attachCallback with a lambda function to handle incomming data.
In this case, we will be getting x and y axis coordinates in range of -60 to 60
joystick.attachCallback([&](int8_t x, int8_t y){
Serial.printf("[Joystick] X Axis: %d, Y Axis: %d\n", x, y);